Monday, January 3, 2011

Club Can't Handle Me

Or maybe I can't handle the club. I'm not speaking literally here, can you see me at a club? (Keep your answers to yourself) What I meant was that just simple things that people do seem to bug me to the point that I just freak out. Usually it's to myself... Not out in public. Here is my list of things that bug me to no extent....

  • People talking to me while I read. "Oh man I want to talk to you... let me show you by reading my book." Seriously? Common Sense. Oh and this applies while watching tv also. 
  • People talking to me when a teacher is lecturing. No, I am not a teachers pet. It just that every time I talk back to said kid, the teacher looks at me. Bad timing? Oh yeah.
  • Slow People. Not learning wise. But walking. Times when I am either a) Hurrying to class, b) Hurrying to the car for lunch (That time flies), c) Hurrying to the car for home. I know you all want to walk slow, hold your soul mates hand ( I know right?), stop and make out ( If I see this again.. I might scream), and stop. right in the middle of the hall. People. Common sense is a necessity!!
  • People that ignore you for no reason. Like I'm serious. But hey, if you don't want to talk, then fine. We won't. But I want to. I'm naturally a chatter. (It depends though)
  • If I'm mad.. don't suck up to me. Or keep talking to me. Just LEAVE. ME. ALONE!
  • People that assume you don't want to do something with them. Thanks. It's okay. I feel loved. (Do you sense that that sentence is dripping with sarcasm)
  • People that assume they know everything. About everything. Not one thing. BUT EVERYTHING!! 
Hmm.. when I was thinking earlier... there were more. But as I got thinking, I decided to be less harsh. The most important ones made it here though. On the flip side. People make me happy. Whether it be by talking to me out of the blue :), or just being there for me. 
Time for me spiffy up my room and finish my book? You betcha :) Hope you don't think I am some rude person. If you do.. Well that is just too bad. 
Autobot, roll out.

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